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We stayed in the beautiful city of Inverness before seeing the stunning sights of the Glencoe Valley.

Inverness, Culloden & Cawdor Castle



As we leave Inverness today I spot the pub where we danced last night! Of course Liz knows the band. I think she knows everyone in Scotland!

Today we visited Culloden. It was the last battle on the mainland of Britain - fought between 8000 Redcoats and 5000 Jacobites. The Redcoats had 50 killed in action and the Jacobites had 2000. It was a raw morning out on the moors. The wind was blowing and it was easy to imagine the misery of fighting and dying on that ground.

Leaving behind the desolation of Culloden, we stop at nearby Clava Cairns. This mysterious site is probably a  burial ground from about 4000 years ago. Of course it is also another Outlander set! The split stone is here. None of our group was transported back in time. Instead, Liz provided another lovely picnic. I tried my first Scotch egg. It won't be my last! And we gathered for another group photo.

Finally, we stop at Cawdor Castle. This one is different. It ISN'T a ruin! In fact, people still live here. The Dowager Countess Anjelica lives here in winters and then allows tourists to visit in spring and summer. The house felt a bit like a museum - not really a comfortable home. The grounds were gorgeous. I especially loved the fountain made from the slate tiles when the roof was re-done. And of course, there were stories about those treacherous Campbells!

Emily's Highlights:

  • Inverness is a beautiful city. Our hotel is along the river and Mom and I took a lovely walk through the park along the water. Seeing locals walking their dogs through here made me think it was somewhere I could live - I could see myself walking my pup through a place like this

  • At Cawdor it was fun to hear about a little modern Scottish drama! It was also a beautiful day, perfect to enjoy a long walk around the impressive grounds and gardens

Left: a pub in Inverness; 

Below: a statue of Flora MacDonald outside Inverness Castle

Clockwise from above left: a marker on the battlefield of Culloden, Emily and I at Clava Cairns, our merry group of travelers, a picnic courtesy of Liz

Left and below: scenes from the gardens at Cawdor Castle

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